London’s Calling – 2017

London’s Calling was back for it’s second outing in 2017. It sold out again and was an absolute blast.

But fear not, if you missed it or just can’t wait for 2018, you can catch up on all the sessions, including videos, right here.

2017 Sessions

Join Anne-Marie Imafidon MBE, CEO of the Stemettes, Belinda Parmar OBE, CEO of the Empathy Business and Peter Coffee, SVP Strategic Research at Salesforce for an intimate chat facilitated by Jodi Wagner with thought provoking questions and discussion around Our Role in the Future of Technology


Belinda Parmar OBE on Empathy, for our closing keynote.

This is a much watch session.

Ran on: 10th February 2017 Belinda Parmar Belinda Parmar OBE

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a very popular topic today. If you are like me you probably have some questions about it.

  • What is AI really?
  • When will I enjoy the benefits of AI?
  • Do I have to be a data scientist to leverage AI?
  • As a Salesforce developer, what do I need to know to bring AI into the apps that I build on the Salesforce platform?

In this session I will try to answer all of those questions while bringing a practical layman’s view of AI and what it means for Salesforce customers.

Ran on: 10th February 2017 Dave Carroll Dave Carroll

In this session we’re going to talk about toothpaste, garden gnomes, and yes some Salesforce admin stories to discuss key ideas and habits that both an admin and an organisation should practice for fantastic success.

Ran on: 10th February 2017 Brad Gross Brad Gross

If we had a £ for every time we have heard this response we would be somewhere sunny, but as no one is going to pay us we need to find a way to counter this retort.

This session will arm you with tactics to get past this objection as well as the means of persuading the most set in their ways users to embrace new processes in their CRM.

Ran on: 10th February 2017 Louise Lockie Louise Lockie

This session will describe planning and delivering requirements with Lightning Components. Attendees will see some real-world projects where User Interface Design tools mattered in creating and agreeing overall solutions and how creating re-usable and portable components add value for the customer.

Ran on: 10th February 2017 Barry Hughes

I’ll share how I achieved successful deliveries without going widely out of scope and embracing complexity.

It’s about remembering the business goal, staying true to requirements and to the core of functionality, by monitoring budget and negotiating the dreaded change request, by keeping all stakeholders engaged and reminding them they are part of the journey too as they travel along the path of change.

Ran on: 10th February 2017 Amanda Beard-Neilson

This session will teach you about some of the key concepts in Wave, such as Data Flows, Data Sets, Lenses and Dashboards. It will explain how to get your hands on a Wave Developer Edition Org, how to perform basic configurations and also when you may need to make more advanced customisations using JSON. Attendees should leave the session with enough knowledge and confidence to start their own Wave journey.

Ran on: 10th February 2017 Thomas Waud

The Sales-Operations & Salesforce Admin relationship is one of trust and collaboration for the greater (organisation’s) good.

In this session we will cover how the Salesforce Admin can help the (Inside) Sales department be a better department (e.g. more productive and more measurable) using OOTB tools and AppExchanges – common tools, best practices, and to learn from mistakes done by others.

Ran on: 10th February 2017 Roy Gilad

In the beginning there was a command line…actually, there were punch cards, but let’s not go there.

The customisation user interface of Salesforce has turned admins into superheroes. Many want to do more with their orgs, and faster. Salesforce DX has the potential to democratize the command line for admins and give them the power they didn’t even know they wanted.

You will have a brief introduction to command lines, and a practical demonstration of several admin tasks, but done through the command line.

Ran on: 10th February 2017 Peter Chittum Peter Chittum

This session will outline tips and best practices for introducing an existing org to a new boss/stakeholder that has never used Salesforce before.

I will cover three main points – tips for demonstrating existing value, requirements gathering and maintaining continuity for users during a change in business practice.

Ran on: 10th February 2017 Emma Smith Emma Smith

In this session we will see how Visual flow can help us with #clicksnotcode.

We will talk about different scenarios like retrieving data, creating records, send emails and even take a look at the beta version that allow us to see the flow in Lightning Experience. Do you were a technical hat? No worries, I will also include some apex code to empower our flow.

Ran on: 10th February 2017 Agustina García Agustina García

Love building mobile integrations on Salesforce App Cloud? And/or if you’re an Avengers/ Captain America/ Spiderman/ Iron Man/ Marvel fan – join this fun session to understand how to build App Cloud Mobile integrations.

The session uses the open source Marvelforce project as a case study to demonstrate Salesforce REST API integration and uses comic avatars, iconic texts, and events from the Marvel REST API to make Salesforce users superheroes. You’ll learn how to develop a simple native and hybrid app, integrate it with Marvel API to ‘comicify’ your objects, and deep link it to Salesforce1 Mobile App.

Ran on: 10th February 2017 Gaurav Kheterpal Gaurav Kheterpal

With so many Salesforce Classic configs out there and considering the pressure that Salesforce put on Lightning Adoption many businesses are facing a difficult choice. Should we move to Lightning? Why? When? How?

This presentation will provide information from the field relating experience from “Lightning Migration” projects and answer these questions.

Ran on: 10th February 2017 Fabrice Cathala

The Wave Web SDK and Wave Apex SDK provide developers with new ways to interact with Wave from outside of a dashboard.

The Wave Web SDK includes Lighting Events for creating custom UIs in Lightning Experience, Visualforce, Communities, and more. The Wave Apex SDK allows query results from Wave to be used in workflows created via Process Builder, including queries on non-SObject-based data.

Join us in this session to see how these new technologies can be used, and how to get involved in the pilot programs.

Ran on: 10th February 2017 Skip Sauls Skip Sauls

Learn why over two million users love the Success Community and how you can ‘hack’ it!

We’ll be teaching you how to help yourself on Answers, how to get the most out of the Idea Exchange, the secret power of the Known Issues log – and also sharing some small but useful ‘hacks’ to ensure you get the most value from this amazing free resource!

Ran on: 10th February 2017 Chris Edwards

Delivering enhancements to the platform can sometimes be lengthy, the reason being: People.

In 2006, Salesforce made the switch from a waterfall approach to development, to agile in order to improve productivity within a growing global engineering team. That increased productivity by 38% and major releases were completed 60% faster.

We will look at what Agile really is, as it is often misunderstood. How a Scrum framework can help your team. And take a look at the Agile Accelerator.

Ran on: 10th February 2017 Ines Garcia Ines Garcia

“Just get it into production and we will deal with that issue in the next sprint.” That’s PM speak for “this is never going to happen until something else breaks” and drives users, admins, developers, PMs and the C-suite headache after headache while diminishing confidence in our systems.

In this session, you will learn to identify, talk about and deal with technical debt and explore ways to work through it.

Ran on: 10th February 2017 Angela Mahoney

Performance is a key part of any Salesforce application that is often not given the attention it deserves.

In this session you will learn some of the best tips and tricks to keep your application running quickly. How should I loop through this list? What’s the best way to query data? Answer to these questions and more will help you to stay ahead of the pace!

Ran on: 10th February 2017 Paul Battisson Paul Battisson

Javascript frameworks are the new world order that’ll replace the old school MVC way of building web applications.

Salesforce introduced the Lightning framework to enable Salesforce developers to build “lightning” fast apps on the platform. But with great power, comes great responsibility. This talk will walk you through 10 best practices to follow to build snazzy lightning apps.

Ran on: 10th February 2017 Anup Jadhav Anup Jadhav

Salesforce has announced a close relationship with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and also the move of the Salesforce platform onto the AWS platform. What is AWS and also how will serverless technologies influence the future of development?

Ran on: 10th February 2017 Ryan Kroonenburg

Tips and tricks on how to make the most of your browser’s developer tools.

I’ll show how you can get them working for you and use them to their full potential. We’ll dive into the different dev-tool tabs (Network, Source, etc) and highlight often unknown features and tips such as conditional breakpoints and snippets.

With JavaScript becoming more and more part of a developer’s day, understanding these tools will be a huge benefit to any code-monkey.

Ran on: 10th February 2017 Todd Halfpenny Todd Halfpenny

Every project has it’s successes; those are not going to be covered here. This is a chance to celebrate the worst decisions, the failures, and what there is to learn from them. I will go through the worst of the worst that I have seen over the last 7 years of being involved with large Salesforce implementations

Ran on: 10th February 2017 Neil Procter Neil Procter

What worries them about the future of the company? And where does the work you do everyday sit on their list of priorities? Salesforce conducted 1:1 interviews with 47 CIO’s, CMO’s, VP’s of Service and VP’s of Sales to find out the answers to those questions and more.

From this session you’ll learn: How the expectations of your executives are changing. How your executives measure success. The biggest problems your executives are trying to solve. Where your executives go to seek thought leadership.

Ran on: 10th February 2017 Karen Mangia

Have you ever heard the line: ‘We have this great tool called salesforce, it just has a few issues, can you sort it out?’. Only to then log in and you immediately see a horror story unfolding in front of you?

In this session I will provide tips on the approach, recommended tools and techniques to help you get to grips with an existing org and to start to perform a health check of both configuration and code in order to help you understand whether you need to perform an Org transplant, CPR or just a little bit of suturing the wounds.

Ran on: 10th February 2017 Richard Clark Richard Clark

Writing robust unit tests can be tricky but can be helped greatly by applying patterns of dependency injection and inversion of control. Come learn what DI and IoC are, and how they can be applied in several patterns for testing in Apex.

Ran on: 10th February 2017 Alex Tennant Alex Tenannt

Mavensmate is the developer´s tool of choice when working on the Salesforce platform. Learn some of the most missed features that will make Mavensmate even more useful for you!

Ran on: 10th February 2017 Carolina Ruiz Paul Battisson Paul Battisson

Using tools like Bootstrap and Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS) anyone can write a modern web app or website for any smart device or desktop.

In this hands-on workshop you will create your first responsive web site and gain understand of responsive design and best practices for using tools like SLDS and also consider aspects like accessibility.

You can apply the lessons learned to any websites or Lightning Components you create.

Ran on: 10th February 2017 John Stevenson John Stevenson

Familiar with the ease of creating customizations through the standard controller in Visualforce and want the same simplicity in Lightning?

Come learn how the Lightning Data Service is simplifying Lightning development through a similar Lightning standard controller. By using the Lightning Data Service, components use simple markup to declare the data they need and the data service will do the rest: data retrieval, CRUD operations, caching, notify component(s) on data change, automatic FLS, etc. Come meet the team responsible for the service and learn how to integrate Lightning Data Service into your component.

Ran on: 10th February 2017 Marcus Torres Marcus Torres

For some, the Marketing Cloud is like a creature in the book ‘Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them’, you’ve heard of it, but not sure what it is why it’s useful.

In this session, you learn how to build and send emails using the Salesforce Marketing Cloud. Additionally, you’ll walk away with tips and tricks that are applicable in any marketing programme, regardless of the technology you use to deliver communications because it’s not good enough just to know how, it’s important to know why.

Ran on: 10th February 2017 Chris Zullo Chris Zullo

New to Salesforce certifications or haven’t been able to keep up with the growth of the different certifications out there? You’ll get an overview of all certifications with preparation recommendations and an overview of the best resources to guide you on your way. Presentation based on my own experience in becoming 11x Salesforce Certified and mentoring others going through the same journey.

Ran on: 10th February 2017 Samuel De Rycke Samuel De Rycke

About a year ago I needed to learn Lightning Components over a weekend. So I wrote my first component, to go on the Contact record page, which submitted the Contact name to the “Internet Chuck Norris Database” API – and returned them in the midst of a famous Chuck Norris quote.

In this session, I will rebuild this component with you, and relive my first few steps into the Lightning Component development world; augmented with my experience of building them now. “Chuck Norris CAN touch MC Hammer.”

Ran on: 10th February 2017 Simon Lawrence