What’s Happening at London’s Calling 2021

With only 2 weeks to go now before LC 21 we wanted to tell you about some of the cool things that will be happening during the event. If you have already signed up we will be sending you more info about how to get the most from the Event App next week but this will give you a flavour of what to expect.

We all know you love community conferences for the great sessions, of which we have so many, but there are other ways you can have fun and get value from the event. We’re fully aware that everyone has spent a lot of time online watching content and so we have lots of different ways you can interact and keep your energy levels up.


This year we have extended the number of activities you can get involved with with our sponsors. You had a lot of fun last year getting your Caricature drawn with Rick, or stepping into the virtual photo booth. This year we have also added Maximilian the Magician who will be performing magic tricks throughout the day, and you can also have your silhouette created, ready to share on the socials. Some of our sponsors will also be running mini sessions in their virtual rooms too, so look out for those.

Group and 1 to 1 chats with Sponsors

As well as joining our Engagement sponsors in their virtual rooms you can also start a one-to-one one video conversation with members of their team using the MeetNow functionality. This allows you to get into some of the more specific questions you have about their products. As usual we will have a prize draw for those that visit the most amount of sponsors virtual rooms on the day. But, please remember to have some meaningful conversations with our valued sponsors.

Awareness Sponsor Logos

Demo Jam

It wouldn’t be a community conference without a Demo Jam, which will be happening at 12.20 GMT. All the standard Demo Jam rules apply so expect a fast paced session.

Our Demo Jam Attendees

Chat with Community Members and Sponsors

If you joined us last year you will know that you can start text chats with other community members and any of our sponsors who have people attending the event. We know everyone would prefer to be together in person, but for now we are making the most of the situation. On the day, why not reach out to someone who you would look forward to seeing at an event and have a quick catch up in between sessions.

Our Awareness Sponsor Logos


We will have the usual mix of fun giveaways for attendees. We will be sharing full details of these on the day, but you could be in with a chance of winning a much sought after certification voucher, some fun swag, or one of the latest books available on the market.

We hope you’re as excited about all of this as we are. If you haven’t bought your tickets yet then you’ve still got time.

Can’t wait to see you there!

The London’s Calling Organisers

*If you’ve already signed up as a returning attendee then you will receive your Event App login details soon. Check our FAQ’s on the website for more information.