
Map of Useful Places

The map below highlights some useful points of interest. Including the venue, nearby hotels and tube stations.

[do_widget “tyler points of interest”]


The table below shows you the general structure of the day. We have a lot of things to get into the day so be sure to arrive early for registration!

0830 Registration
0900 Welcome and opening keynote from Erica Kuhl
1000 Morning sessions
1200 DemoJam
1230 Lunch
1330 Afternoon sessions
1600 Keynote from Peter Coffee
1700 Closing Remarks
1730 After party
2000 Home time

Dress Code

There is no dress code as such for the event. Come in whatever you feel comfortable in but use some common sense too. Jeans, a t-shirt and a hoodie is fine – flip flops, shorts and a string vest probably not so good!